Heart Vision MRI
Cardiac MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is an advanced method of imaging the heart and blood vessels that is non-invasive and does not use ionising radiation (like x rays). Cardiac MRI is safe and no long-term ill effects have been demonstrated.
Indications for Adult Cardiac MRI
- Assessment of Adult Congenital Heart Disease
- Overall heart size and function cardiomyopathies, myocardial infiltrative disorders etc
- Following a heart attack, assessment of cardiac muscle viability
- Cardiac perfusion for cardiac ischemia
- RV and LV functional studies
- Assessment of coronary anomalies
- Assessment of pericardium
- Assessment of cardiac valve function
- Assessment of the Aorta and great vessels
- Assessment and characterisation of cardiac tumours
Before Your Appointment
- You may need to have a blood test before coming to your appointment. Your doctor will tell you if you require a blood test.
- You can continue to take your medication normally before an MRI scan.
- You may eat and drink normally unless your doctor or we ask you to do otherwise or if you are having a Stress Perfusion MRI (FAQ link).
- You cannot wear anything metallic to your MRI scan, including clothing. It is best to leave watches and jewelry including piercings at home. if your wedding ring is unable to be removed, then please leave it on. If necessary, you may be asked to change into one of our gowns and we will provide somewhere for you to store your belongings.
- Because of the length of the examinations (1-1.30 hrs.), it is advisable to use the bathroom prior.
During Your Appointment
- Your scan could take up to an hour and sometimes longer for the more complex examinations. The technologist will talk you through the whole procedure and check you are comfortable - you will have a call button if you need to talk to them while you are having your scan.
- The MRI scanner is large and open at both ends. You lie down on the bed on your back. Cardiac gating leads will be attached to your chest (similar to an ECG). This helps us see the structure and function of your heart and the surrounding blood vessels. You are then moved into the scanner. We require you to keep still so we get nice sharp images. We will give you headphones, as the scanner will be a bit noisy.
- During your scan you will be given breathing instructions through the headphone set. Generally, it will be asking you to take a gentle breath in, breathe out and then stop breathing. You will be instructed when to breathe away normally. It is important that you replicate the depth of breath each time as you heart moves with in the chest cavity according to the depth of breath. You will be asked to do this a number of times throughout the scan.
- Please let the technologist know if you are feeling claustrophobic during your scan. If you are concerned about claustrophobia, please let us know prior to your appointment so we can make any necessary arrangements to help keep you comfortable during your scan.
- For some examinations, we use a contrast agent to get a clearer image. This is a substance called Gadolinium and is injected into a vein in your arm. The radiographer will talk to you about this prior to the scan and ask you to fill in a consent form.
After Your Appointment
- You can eat, drink, exercise and carry on as normal straight afterwards.
- Your scan results will be sent to your doctor within seven working days. In addition to images, computer analysis is performed giving your doctor valuable information in relation to the heart function